
Acero and The Homeless Children’s Education Fund

The Homeless Children’s Education Fund (HCEF) is very pleased that Acero Realty has chosen to support our organization and the children experiencing homelessness that we serve. HCEF’s mission is to advance the education of children and youth experiencing homelessness in Allegheny County. HCEF is a private not-for- profit organization that receives no government funding. Our out-of-school time educational programs and awareness efforts are supported completely by businesses like Acero Realty as well as individual donations and our fundraising events. In addition to the financial support that Acero Realty’s effort will provide to HCEF their work will also help us create greater community awareness of the plight and promise of children experiencing homelessness.

Allegheny County school districts reported over 2000 school age children who experienced homelessness during the 2013/2014 school year. HCEF along with Acero Realty and our other community partners can make sure these children get the education they deserve and need to grow up and have productive lives as contributing member of society.

Bill Wolfe
Executive Director
Homeless Children’s Education Fund